
Category Name Characters
Soroush Dalili -
Frans Rosén 327
Jakub Żoczek 57
Abdul Aziz Khan 55
Shortest Rakesh Mane 55

Challenge Rules

Execute the Challenge:

Execute alert(1) within the context of this domain.


  • Fastest Solution: The first paperback copy of Web Hacking Arsenal will be awarded to the person who solves the challenge in the shortest time.
  • Shortest Payload: The second copy will be awarded to the person with the shortest payload.
  • Unintended Solution: The third copy will be given for an innovative solution that differs from the intended one.

Additional Conditions:

  • In case one person finds all three solutions, the rewards will go to the next best submissions in each category.
  • Each participant can win only one book.

Challenge Duration:

❇️ The challenge has ended on 5th Sept 2024 00:00 UTC


Submit your solution and email us. Alternatively, you can DM @rafaybaloch or @prakharprasad.


If no solutions are received by Sunday, we will release hints to assist participants.


Three distinct winners will receive a free paperback copy of Web Hacking Arsenal by Rafay Baloch.